Learn more about the right to housing and how it can be realized in Canada's National Housing Strategy.
Draft Legislation
Based on consensus recommendations among participants in a series of round-table consultations on a human rights-based approach to housing, this is a working draft of legislation that would recognize and progressively realize the right to housing in the forthcoming National Housing Strategy legislation.
Key Demands
What we want to see included in Canada's National Housing Strategy legislation.
Background: The Right to Housing
What do we mean by the right to housing? What is required of Canada by international law? Check out these resources to learn more about Canada's historical and current obligations.
National Consultation on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Housing - Submissions
In the spring of 2018, the federal government invited submissions from civil society on what a "rights-based approach to housing" meant to them. The papers featured here were submitted by some of our fellow right to housing advocates.
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